Group Fitness Classes

Building Social Connections Through Shared Activities

March 19, 2024

How Can Group Fitness Classes Transform Your Workout Experience?

Quick Answer:

Group fitness classes boost confidence and social skills for individuals with Autism through Adaptive Fitness's virtual training, preparing them for a successful, inclusive gym experience.

Quick Overview

Explore how Adaptive Fitness uniquely equips individuals with Autism for success in group fitness classes, offering tailored virtual training for an empowering and inclusive real-world gym experience.

  •  Introduction: The Power of Group Fitness Classes for Individuals with Autism
  • Understanding Autism and Physical Fitness
  • The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes for Autism
  • Selecting the Right Group Fitness Class for Autism
  • Strategies for Success in Group Fitness Classes with Autism
  • Conclusion: Embracing Group Fitness Classes as a Vital Tool for Autism Fitness

Introduction: The Power of Group Fitness Classes for Individuals with Autism

Whether you want to join a team or an aerobics class, the world of fitness poses particular challenges for autistic individuals, especially when it comes to group classes. Adaptive Fitness is not a gym, it’s a virtual coach to prepare you for group fitness. Adaptive Fitness’ virtual environment prepares you for group classes. It takes more to prepare for a group class than just your body. You need to prepare your mind and senses for the environment as well. Adaptive Fitness recreates multiple elements of a group class. From group fitness gym etiquette to the protocols of communal fitness spaces, our virtual environment prepares for group fitness. You’re not just getting in shape, you’re becoming a fitness participant. Ready for every class, any gym.

Understanding Autism and Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is essential for all individuals including people with Autism, and the benefits of being fit go well beyond the gym. But taking the leap into a group fitness class can be intimidating. Adaptive Fitness provides a virtual space where you can practice. Working in real time, we tailor classes to the individual student. By practicing workout sequences and gym equipment in a one-on-one setting, you’ll be prepared for the noises, smells, lights and social elements of a gym class. Our ancillary lessons help you, whether or not you’ve previously tried preservation exercises, develop an understanding of how to implement a workout by reducing the stress and anxiety associated with group fitness by completing real moves on real equipment, all in the safety and comfort of your own home.

The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes for Autism

With the benefits of group fitness in mind, the team at Adaptive Fitness understands the importance of this style of exercise to someone with Autism. Virtual coaching is especially important because performing in group fitness classes can provide a predictable setting with routine and consistent responses. This can lend itself to being a safer setting with improved social interactions and increased confidence. Adaptive Fitness training is structured to ‘prime you’ ahead of time regarding what to expect when attending a group fitness setting.

  • Structured Social Interaction: Fitness Class is designed for social learning and interaction opportunities. For some with Autism, interactions within our programs enhance needed skills to engage with instructors and peers in a simulated social setting.
  • Structured, Routine Classes : knowing exactly when the classes are scheduled frees you from any uncertainty surrounding your movement practice, creating a dependable container in which you can thrive. Our virtual classes provide a routine in a familiar, structured environment before entering an in-person class.
  • Sensory Integration: Often using music, instruction and the presence of other people, group classes provide a lot of sensory input. Adaptive Fitness teaches you to anticipate and prepare for these sensory scenarios, giving you strategies that can help you not just cope with sensory input, but can also help you to enjoy the sensory aspects of your class.
  • Developing Motor Skills: We can help you develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills through a range of group fitness activities. Our virtual training consists of exercises to improve coordination, balance and agility.
  • Cognitive Engagement: This goes hand-in-hand with fitness being just as mental as it’s physical – we’re trying to not only engage your body but also your brain – like a lot of group fitness classes, with exercises that have elements of problem-solving and pattern recognition.
  • Independence and confidence: With the safe and controlled flexibility to take group fitness classes on your own, you feel that you can do it successfully and, with confidence, maybe even outside the gym.

All those many rewards of group classes are just a click away. But to enter the social space of group fitness classes, individuals with Autism need a special type of preparation. Adaptive Fitness makes it easier and more enjoyable for a person with Autism to join in on the fun and get excited about achieving their fitness goals alongside a group of fitness enthusiasts. Our online training program is about simplifying the transition to fitness for the person with Autism, one step at a time. It creates a stepping-stone to the socialization that fitness classes offer by providing guided and accommodated practice before attempting it in real life.

Strategies for Success in Group Fitness Classes with Autism

Here at Adaptive Fitness, we recognise that success is not so much about showing up for your group fitness class as it is about having all the right strategies in your toolbox to help you not only show up physically, but also emotionally. Our virtual services set the stage for success by thoroughly preparing you for common challenges and utilizing common strengths associated with your Autism.

  • Customized Virtual Training Plans: We create plans with you so you can train alone prior to joining group fitness classes. These plans make group fitness class normalization the key aim as well as training objectives. The plans will be created with your unique starting point in mind, including any sensory sensitivities you might have.
  • Sensory Adaptation Exercises: A range of tools to help manage sensory overload of the gym — from desensitization techniques to handle noise and crowds, to sensory knowledge around tactile sensations of gym equipment.
  • Improving Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital to success in our classes, so we coach you through virtual role playing scenarios and other methods of expressing your needs to fitness instructors or other people at the gym.
  • Workarounds: accept how to manage the stress this condition will subject you to There are workarounds: ways to get along with, even thrive in, your brain activity, rather than try to change it. Learn to breathe so that your body, and the triggers tingling around it, relax. Visualize your way through a scene. Or develop a personal ‘time out’ strategy – some discrete way to remove or stabilize yourself during times of high arousal so that you might come back to the situation at hand.
  • Network: Necessity is the mother of invention, and often a recipe for success. We urge you to link in to instructors and fellow participants prior to the course opening, if at all possible, as this generally helps to create a familiar and more bonded atmosphere within your class.
  • Positive reinforcement and goal setting: We emphasize the significance of goal setting realistically and celebrating small successes. Positive reinforcement throughout the virtual training builds confidence, offers support and maintains motivation.
  • Incentivising Routine: Having a set and regular workout schedule can lend us stability and structure. We help you craft a workout calendar with a flow that works with your life and integrates all the group exercise classes you want to attend.

These strategies will enable participants to experience group fitness classes as a rich and rewarding learning experience. Our Adaptive Fitness classes and virtual support system will help to equip an individual with autism with the skills and confidence they need to cope and thrive in the social and sensory environments of group fitness.

Conclusion: Embracing Group Fitness Classes as a Vital Tool for Autism Fitness

Getting people with Autism to experience group fitness classes isn’t about getting fit, it’s about changing lives! Because of Adaptive Fitness, individuals with Autism will no longer be prevented from experiencing the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social benefits of regular group fitness classes, held in social environments like your local gym. Our virtual support will prepare you for group social dynamics, sensory environments, and physical activity demands of any group fitness class. We’ll provide the virtual bridge from your virtual fitness class to the in-person fitness class. Fitness isn’t just about the physical; it’s the critical element for participating in community, personal growth, and resilience. We all need a community of people to provide us with assurance and support in the face of change, challenge and motivate us to continue to grow as individuals, as part of a bigger community together. You’re not alone when you enter a group fitness class with Adaptive Fitness. We’re there with you.

With Adaptive Fitness, you get a virtual training companion that helps reflect the distinct heart and spirit of Autism into real-world fitness. Connect with us, and discover the power you have – not just in muscles, but in spirit and community.

 Discover Your Potential with Adaptive Fitness

The core tenet of Adaptive Fitness is that we want to empower individuals on the autism spectrum to realize their fitness potential on their own terms. The Adaptive Fitness virtual platform is purposefully designed to cater to your unique abilities by teaching you the skills and mindset to succeed in a group setting. We don’t want you to feel overwhelmed in a typical gym. We don’t want to just get you ready to work out. Our intention is instead to get you ready to belong to the group in the gym. We get you ready for the gym by preparing you in your own familiar home setting.

Adaptive Fitness excels at the translation and transfer from the training floor to the real world training floor, the recreational setting, the entertainment setting, and so on. We don’t want to merely serve individuals with Autism with fitness; we want to help make fitness available and appealing to individuals with Autism. We are your fitness partner, ensuring that you don’t have to face the fitness world alone. Together, we’ll make the world a better place to enjoy fitness.

Join us at Adaptive Fitness to begin changing your life by being part of a group fitness community that values you for being yourself.

Group Fitness Classes: Young Participants Engaging in Synchronized Exercise Routine